United Women in Faith book study--
Rev. Juan Osorio

8:30 AM Traditional Worship
9:45 AM Sunday School House of Friendship
11:00 AM Contemporary Worship
We also offer a Sunday school class at 9:45 on the third floor led by dedicated volunteers for ages 5 and up. During the 11:00 services we offer "Childern's Chapel", a children’s service that parallels the pastors sermon and usually includes a craft and/or activity. Children leave the service after a short children’s message with our trained volunteers.
All of which are Certified through the Rio Texas Conference safe ministry program called Trusted con Confianza. Our nursery is open during the 8:00, Sunday school hour, and 11:00 services for children newborn to age 4.
If you need a ride to the 11:00 service, please call the church (775-1541) no later
than 4:30pm on the preceding Thursday.
Listen at 11:00 to KWMC 1490 am each Sunday,
Our Church Facebook Page where we Stream our 8:30 & 11:00 service and Adult Sunday School each Sunday
and finally
Use TuneIn Radio (a free app) from your smart phone or computer.
100 Spring Street, Del Rio, Texas. 78840
9:45 AM Sunday School House of Friendship
11:00 AM Contemporary Worship
We also offer a Sunday school class at 9:45 on the third floor led by dedicated volunteers for ages 5 and up. During the 11:00 services we offer "Childern's Chapel", a children’s service that parallels the pastors sermon and usually includes a craft and/or activity. Children leave the service after a short children’s message with our trained volunteers.
All of which are Certified through the Rio Texas Conference safe ministry program called Trusted con Confianza. Our nursery is open during the 8:00, Sunday school hour, and 11:00 services for children newborn to age 4.
If you need a ride to the 11:00 service, please call the church (775-1541) no later
than 4:30pm on the preceding Thursday.
Listen at 11:00 to KWMC 1490 am each Sunday,
Our Church Facebook Page where we Stream our 8:30 & 11:00 service and Adult Sunday School each Sunday
and finally
Use TuneIn Radio (a free app) from your smart phone or computer.
100 Spring Street, Del Rio, Texas. 78840