2019 Vacation Bible School Director Wendy Knox
Our 11:00 Sunday service is on the radio at 1490 AM and on the Internet for people who cannot come to church.
Here are some of the ways members of our church are reaching into our community:
****Our highly successful annual Vacation Bible School has surpassed attendance numbers every year.***
Bethel Center – provides food and clothing.
Cub Scout Pack - sponsored by our church
Back Pack Ministry – a backpack of food for weekend meals for 60 children
FUMC Day School – half-day preschool program
Meals on Wheels – Many volunteers in our church
UM Army – our youth provide help through this summer program
Wesley Nurse – Our church has a Wesley nurse and nurse’s office
UMW – largest UMW in our district
Volunteer Hospital Chaplain - a member of our church is a volunteer hospital chaplain
Pumpkin Patch – Country Store 100% of all profits are returned to those in need in Del Rio. FUMC and El Principe de Paz United Methodist Church help each other in this event.
On Going and Future Opportunities for Service
The Pumpkin Patch and Country Store
Bus Drivers
Lay Servants/Leaders
Audiovisual volunteer
2017 Vacation Bible School volunteer